Service Robots
(In production)
This is service robot made by ROM ROBOTICS & Deep Blue AI Lab (aka Rom Dynamics) for public use and assistant.
This is service robot made by ROM ROBOTICS & Deep Blue AI Lab (aka Rom Dynamics) for public use and assistant.
This is the project of intern developer in DEEP BLUE AI LAB based on ROS2 and STM32 custom driver
Using Nav2, Behavior Tree, Autonomy and Groot for industries.
In this project we use water pump as covid-19 spray in hospital.
(I built simulation package but not hardware robot)
In this project we can read map in ros2 using slam_toolbox (integrated with imu)
This is my youtube channel for sharing projects about ROBOTICS and AI.That would mainly forcus on ROS2 and Opencv
Navigation2 documentation book that I contributed in burmese language which was published by Rom Dynamics.
This is the certificate of internship in Deep Blue AI LAB that corporated with ROM-robotics
In this package,We followed the nav2_gps_waypoints_follower tutorial for outdoor robot localization with custom robot. Using robot localiztion package,GPS plugins and mapviz
This is my social media page on facebook.